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Jesus’ call to come to him and find rest issues from the tradition of these prophets (quoted in the previous blog).  But there is one major difference.  The prophets called people to the Lord who was speaking through them.  Jesus calls people to himself.  He is the Lord to whom we repent, and from whom we drink the refreshing waters of revival.

The first step, then, for us to follow Jesus as the model of meekness, is to repent in the true, biblical sense of the term.  We must turn away from our sins, idols, and other sources of satisfaction, and come to Jesus himself.  Whether we have strayed from him completely, or have wandered off in certain areas, he calls us to return.

But the Lord’s call to us is not just for when we stray.  He always says, “Come to me” – every chance we get, at every turn of our path.  Coming to Jesus is a way of life.  People often enter valleys, or face serious problems, without really, deeply turning to him for peace and wisdom.  Jesus’ solution is simple.  No matter what the situation, no matter what the season, he continually says, Come to me.

Meekness, then, is a life fully yielded to Jesus.  It begins with repentance, and continues as a lifestyle that constantly comes out of the chaos, confusion, and complications of life… to him.  Like a lighthouse in the middle of raging seas, Jesus constantly radiates his welcoming command, “Come to me.”  Those who heed that command learn what meekness really is.

Tomorrow we begin our final series during the fast: “Learn from Jesus.”