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Secret to Entering Rest (Part 4)

I am convinced we must discover afresh the wonderful person of Jesus Christ.  That on-going discovery is the key to revival, evangelism, church planting, discipleship, and maturity in the church.  The beauty of Jesus Christ blinds us, as it did Saul of...

Secret to Entering Rest (Part 3)

Come to me. I believe the Lord is whispering this little phrase to His church.  He burns for deep friendship with His people, a relationship that defines life itself for everyone who calls himself a Christian.  Paul said that his very identity revolved...

Secret to Entering God’s Rest (Part 2)

The first step, then, is to come. Again Chambers said, “Anything that disturbs rest in Him must be cured at once, and it is not cured by being ignored, but by coming to Jesus Christ.” This takes loving determination. He requires diligence to enter His rest....

The Secret to Entering God’s Rest

“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt 11:28). There’s so much treasure found in spiritual rest. So let’s dig a little deeper.  The secret to God’s miraculous rest is found in one simple phrase. Come to Me. Jesus...

The Value of Divine Rest (Part 3)

So when facing a problem or attack, God’s strategy is not always to start rebuking the devil.  Sometimes it’s not even His will to start praying about the immediate problem.  Often the best thing to do is worship until we get a fresh vision of God...