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Keep Coming to Jesus (Part 2)

“Come to… ME.” When the prophets called for wayward Israel to turn away from her sin and idolatry, it was always in terms of returning to God himself.  Breaking covenant with him was the real crime.  Repairing that covenant was real repentance.  So here...

Keep Coming to Jesus

When Jesus calls the exhausted and overloaded to himself, he is inviting us to rest inside his sanctuary of meekness.  But there’s more to his invitation than finding a respite from chaos. Jesus is calling us, not just to shelter us, but...

Jesus, Model of Meekness (Part 3)

Our last episode ended with the question, “So if the Model of Meekness could shift into a mode of such strong, incendiary actions and words, what then is meekness?” Now for the answer. True meekness is that condition of character that has absolutely no agenda,...

Jesus, Model of Meekness (Part 2)

In yesterday’s blog, I said that I had two reasons to believe meekness was a central, foundational character trait for Jesus. The first was Jesus’ own pervading gentleness. But second, Jesus’ meekness produced much more than a gentle demeanor.  Gentle behavior,...

Jesus, Model of Meekness

“Come to me, all those exhausted and overloaded, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke on your shoulders and learn from me, because I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my load is light” (Matt 11:28-30)....

Meekness (Part 2)

How, then, do we find such rest in a chaotic world?  We rest when we entrust our souls to God.  That means we do not belong to ourselves.  God possesses us – our bodies, families, jobs, present, and future.  Our complete inheritance is safe with...